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bayonetta 3 sRpvLTh 1030x579 1 495x400 - The Defense of Masochism

Bayonetta Voice Actress Vs. The Game Industry: Who Was Right? (مقاله برای استودیوی بازیسازی پولیدین)

On the 15th of October, Hellena Taylor, the voice actress for Bayonetta, posted some videos on Twitter and created a massive controversy by claiming that Nintendo, the publisher, only offered her 4,000$ for her work on Bayonetta 3. She was s…
journey3 495x400 - The Defense of Masochism

Immersion Storytelling: The Next Evolutionary Step for Environmental Storytelling (مقاله برای استودیوی بازیسازی پولیدین)

Imagine playing a fantasy/sci-fi game with a gorgeous world, profound lore, and many interesting characters. That’s exactly what the geek inside you yearns for. But there’s a catch: the world feels too centered around you. Everything exists in …
What is the metaverse this virtual universe presented as the e1664784152133 1030x580 1 495x400 - The Defense of Masochism

Metaverse Kinda Sucks Right Now (مقاله برای استودیوی بازیسازی پولیدین)

It’s safe to say that Metaverse race has a controversial reputation at this stage. While the people who invested in the project tend to call it the next big thing, the public find it dubious at best. Just check out the “What is the Metaverse” video…
labelled 495x400 - The Defense of Masochism

People Should be Able to Make Memes out of Your Games (مقاله برای استودیوی بازیسازی پولیدین)

Have you heard the news? The Information Age is over. We live in the Meme Age right now. Cold hard facts do not excite people anymore. Normal ads are becoming parodies of themselves. We had a guy who became the most powerful man in the world…
lynton levengood beowulf wip 02 495x400 - The Defense of Masochism

My MA Thesis: Reconciliation of Paganism and Christianity in Beowulf

More than a month ago, at 23rd of April of 2019, I defended my MA thesis in the University of Tehran. My field of study is English literature and the full title of my thesis is: Reconciliation of Paganism and Christianity in Beowulf: The Role…
ChristOntheCross Anatoly Shumkin 495x400 - The Defense of Masochism

The Defense of Masochism

The Defense of Masochism An imitation of the Most Eminent Sir Philip Sydney by Farbod Azsan “If you want to shine like the sun, first you have to burn like it.” An Indian Saying One day, on a glorious summer evening, the right virtuous Mun…